Background Gavel
Lauren Hebditch
Year of call:


In 2017, after graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Law, Lauren received a full ‘Exhibition Scholarship’ from The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple of £19,600 towards the BPTC as well as the ‘Regional Programme Leader's Scholarship’ from BPP.

Following successful completion of the BPTC, Lauren was awarded a prize for achieving the highest mark of the year in the Advanced Criminal Litigation and Family Law modules on the course. Upon securing Pupillage, Lauren was also subsequently awarded the ‘Rachel Lawrence Scholarship’ from the Inn.


Member of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Criminal Bar Association

Scholarships and Awards

Full ‘Exhibition Scholarship’ from The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple (2017)

Duke of Edinburg Award from The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple (2017)

Award for achieving the highest mark of the year in the Advanced Criminal Litigation and Family Law modules on the Bar Professional Training Course (2018)

Rachel Lawrence Pupillage Scholarship from The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple (2019)


Lauren is a tenacious and articulate advocate who is thorough in her preparation and presentation of cases. She prides herself on her approachability for both lay and professional clients and maintains her down-to-earth attitude when giving sound legal advice.

Before qualifying as a barrister in 2018, Lauren had experience working as a criminal defence paralegal. This included conducting litigation on her own Crown Court caseload. Lauren also previously worked as a County Court Advocate, where she acted on behalf of both claimants and defendants in a variety of civil hearings including infant approvals, bankruptcy proceedings and landlord and tenant disputes.

Lauren has extensive experience both defending and prosecuting in the Crown Court. She is well equipped to deal with cases involving young and vulnerable witnesses and defendants. She is regularly instructed to act in cases involving violent assaults, drugs, dishonesty, weapons and sexual offences. Lauren receives both public and private instructions.

Notable Cases

R -v- AB - Junior Counsel instructed for one of three defendants charged with conspiracy to murder and possession of firearms with intent to endanger life. The case centred on a shooting in central London and involved questions over the admissibility of EMS tagging evidence, cell-site and gang association. Miss Hebditch being led by Miss Meek, secured the acquittal of the client following a successful submission of no case to answer following the close of the prosecution case.

R -v- AM - Junior Counsel instructed in a three week trial at Winchester Crown Court for the first of four defendants charged with attempted murder.

R -v- BA - Junior Counsel instructed in a four week trial for offences including conspiracy to possess firearms with intent to endanger life and possession with intent to supply Class A drugs. The case involved legal arguments on the admissibility of extensive gang evidence.

R -v- KL – Miss Hebditch being led by Miss Meek, secured the acquittal of a client following a two week trial at Harrow Crown Court for seven offences of rape. The case involved the cross-examination of three complainants.

R -v- LH – Miss Hebditch secured the acquittal of a defendant charged with money laundering. The case involved over £46,000 worth of cannabis being found at an address in London.

R -v- BM - Miss Hebditch secured the unanimous acquittal of a defendant charged with two offences of rape following a two week trial. This case involved expert DNA and toxicology evidence.

R -v- AG – Instructed for the first of three defendants charged with false imprisonment in an “honour based” family scenario.

R -v- ES – Miss Hebditch secured the unanimous acquittal of a defendant charged with six offences including attempted rape, assault by penetration and trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence.

R -v- SD – Instructed in a three week rape trial heard at the Central Criminal Court.  

R -v- MT – Miss Hebditch secured the unanimous acquittal of the only defendant following a three week four handed aggravated burglary trial.

R -v- KG - Instructed for one of three defendants alleged to be at the heart of a County Lines Drug Operation utilising young and vulnerable youths. Miss Hebditch made a successful application to dismiss a charge of human trafficking.

R -v- SA – Instructed for the first of four defendants charged with supplying kilos of Class A drugs.  

R -v AK – Miss Hebditch secured the unanimous acquittal of a defendant charged with six offences including burglary and aggravated vehicle taking. The trial included lengthy cross-examination of a cell site expert witness.